When authors hire me, book covers are one of the first things they ask about. For good reason.
Your book cover will get you sales.
As I’ve stated many times, I’m not an artist, so I make a point to work with cover artists who GET IT. They get visual design. They get what makes a reader click on a cover.
Recently I got an education on how the interior layout of your book can be just as important as the cover. You need both to be good.
But as I recently found out from artist Joseph Chapman, “Good” doesn’t mean “Pretty.”
I wanted to pick his brain on exactly what that meant, so he was kind enough to write the following guest post so we can all better understand how the visual elements of the book can get our stories in front of more readers.
Why Ugly is Better
As far as the look of your book, if you want it to be read and “digested,” instead of ignored (or worse, tossed in the TRASH), you must know the difference between Graphic Design and Book Formatting.
Graphic Design is commercial, and the …