Mystery, Thriller, or Police Procedural? Why it Matters
Just because there's overlap doesn't mean they are interchangeable
Part of the reason I don’t review partial manuscripts anymore is because I need to advise clients on what genre is most appropriate. You might think you’re writing a romance, dear author, but you’re actually writing women’s fiction.
With the explosion in true crime podcasts and tv shows, crime-oriented fiction has never been hotter. Yeah, there’s a lot of competition, but with voracious readers who don’t stray out of their favorite genres, you can still clean up nicely.
As long as you get your genre right.
Mystery, thriller, and police procedurals often get confused for one another among readers and even authors.
But they are different and the distinctions matter when it comes to targeting the right readers.
Each of these genres offers its own unique flavor. Let's explore what sets them apart, what readers expect, and of course, some fantastic book recommendations!