There was a time when the word of a professional movie reviewer meant something. If Roger Ebert said to go see a movie, people did, no questions asked. No one knew or cared who Roger Ebert voted for in the presidential election. They didn’t suspect him of taking money from movie studios. And even when a viewer disagreed with one of his opinions, they still continued to trust him overall.
He didn’t like The Usual Suspects. I loved it.
He REALLY didn’t like Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigalow. I still love that ridiculous movie to this day.
But Ebert was to be trusted. And I genuinely admired him. So did millions of other people.
Ebert wasn’t the only big movie reviewer attached to a newspaper that people trusted, but he was the most famous. And sadly, with his death in 2013, he may be the last one.
Because no one believes professional movie reviewers anymore. And for good reasons. They’re liars. Craven, corporate liars.