In March of this year, B.R. Keid released his first novel, Intrusion Protocol.
He had no platform, no existing following. He didn’t come up in the fanfic world, and he has a small email list.
So how in the ever-loving hell did his book come out the gate so strong and now, months later, continue to sell on autopilot?
I love to see fantastic books find the success they deserve, so I decided to ask Keid how exactly he launched his book.
Mailing List and Platform
Like me, Brian is an introvert. He lives on a farm, he keeps to himself. He doesn’t make dancing TikToks.
That doesn’t mean his book was destined to dwindle into obscurity. Far from it.
Now I always warn authors that the quality of books doesn’t dictate sales. You and I have both read absolute garbage that sold millions. We’ve also read books that no one else has heard of, even though the writing basically changed our lives. It’s not fair. It’ll never be fair. Quality doesn’t dictate sales.
It must be said that Intrusion Protocol